Monday, March 12, 2012

The Application of Podcasting in Education

  Podcasting and BLOG are synonyms. I think both of them belong to mobile assisted language learning, depending on internet-based spread. However, there are some differences between them. The concept of podcasting stemmed from the combination of “iPod” and “broadcast”, mainly delivering the radio and video through the internet.  Apple published iPodder in September, 2004, which was regarded as the sign of the beginning of podcasting.  However, BLOG refers to that people are able to spread their ideas associated with words and pictures through internet.
  With the development of technology, the knowledge is experiencing rapid evaluation every day. The time for classroom-based teaching is limited; teachers are not able to offer the whole knowledge within one class time. Therefore, using advanced podcasting technology to promote students` self-learning is essential. To illustrate my views, three advantages of podcasting are presented and discussed below.
  To begin with, podcasting can make review handy to some extent. Students are able to keep absorbing what they didn`t understand in class by logging in website, adding more informations which are radio-based or video-based to their notebooks. This process is able to refuel students overcoming the knowledge missed in class. Next, podcasting can make students motivated. Because of its promptness, students are able to log in their podcast website to strengthen their weakness submitting their questions to teacher. Then teacher can respond feedbacks immediately. This process can resolve students’ academic problems timely and make students feel that they have achieved something successfully. I also believe this kind of virtuous cycle corrects students` study attitude and make them motivated. Last but not least, podcasting can highlight the ability of telecollaboration. Through podcasting, learners are able to establish activity freely. Students can use the function button, “adding friends”, to collaborate with other people as well as updating own experience. Thus, students are able to share, collaborate and compete with each other.
  The podcasting, mainly delivering the radio and video through the internet, has visual, auditory benefits for students to learn knowledge including learning language. Students are able to remember what they saw through watching. They also can know what they heard through listening. Anyway, according to Kukulska Hulme, the author believes that “MALL (e.g. Podcasting) differs from CALL in its use of personal, portable devices that enable new ways of learning, emphasizing continuity or spontaneity of access and interaction across different contexts of use”.(Kukulska Hulme, 2008, p162.).  In another word, I think people can podcast anything in anytime at anyplace personally as well as to have multi-tasking or active engagement. The technology content is easy to learn and inexpensive.
  However, I was wondering whether there are any disadvantages of podcasting. For example, we can`t make sure that everyone has good quality podcasting device or content. So, is the audio poor quality? Is the content poor quality? Does the podcasting have a difficult accessibility?


  1. I think before podcasting one should think if its right for you? if the audience you are targeting are interested in podcasting or not?
    Also, podcast itself require some promotion, as people are not very interested on them and they do not come across podcast very randomly.

  2. I agree with Raneem,you should decide if podcasting is right for you or the class your teaching. Even thou podcasting is a valuable resource; you should consider the type of students you are teaching. I think podcasting is something that is very useful for SLA but the students and teachers have to be well trained in order to use the devices. They also have to have access to it and not every student have access to it.

  3. Podcasting is the latest innovation to sweep the internet. Think of podcasting as a new fad ... the "little" black dress ... what the "Beatles and rock n roll was to the sixties. In the hands of creative educators, podcasting is relatively low cost ... low barrier tool for today's world. The best thing about podcasting, it allows students to listen or create at their leisure ... on thier iPod or other digital media players. Good post.

  4. I think podcasts allowed users to create their own "radio broadcast" and have it accessed by the general public. But, the disadvantages are the same for any authentic materials: they usually do not fit the syllabus exactly, they sometimes use incorrect/difficult language/grammar, it may be difficult to find an appropriate podcast. If the teacher is creating the podcasts or the podcast is specifically created for the language class they might be low quality or use unauthentic language or situations. but I think the disadvantages may be overcome if listening to a podcast motivates a student to further his/her language learning. I used podcasts to study Spanish and I felt they were an invaluable addition to my learninng

  5. With the fast progress and development of technology, podcasting is starting to be popular for language learning. Podcasting can make learners motivated. They can podcast anything, but first students and teachers should have a good knowledge about podcasting. They must be prepared to work with it. A training of how to use podcast will be a requirement before they'll start to use podcasting. Some learners cannot pay attention, or do not have any interest to any kind of podcasting because they do not think that the podcast would help them to learn. Second, equipment of podcasting must have a good quality. Podcasting technology promotes language learning, but that does not mean podcasting could be acceptable for all students or instructors.

  6. I agree with what has been said above already, that podcasting can be invaluable if it is used in the right context. As Alex describes, there are pros and cons associated with podcast use, and these must be weighed carefully before a teacher or learner decides whether or not to incorporate this technology into their teaching/learning.

  7. I agree with you, you should decide if podcasting is right for you or the class your teaching. podcasting is starting to be popular for language learning. Podcasting can make learners motivated.I like this blog, it's very interesting.

  8. One of the disadvantages I find with podcasting is how much time it takes to edit and create good audio and to maintain a regular posting schedule. This can depend, of course, on the type of podcast being created. But it does tend to be very labor-intensive.
