Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Podcast: The Application of Video in Class

The Podcast have two ways----Radio and Video. Today I want to say the video. The video increase understanding of content and good for revision. It's the best to help students understanding the teacher's talk.  And help the teacher using the tools to show more information or knowledge with students.
   However, using the video studying English may not be appropriate in all ELLs. Some students cannot control themselves attention when the video talk about grammar or some uninteresting knowledge, do not show the picture or cartoon. At that time, some students can't pay attention to learn English, because using the video to learn English didn't have interaction or feedback that is different with the learning in the classroom.
  Here is a show talking about that an American girl teaching Chinese ELLs how to speaking American English. And this show includes teaching ELLs idiom, culture and daily talk. This show's name is "OMG Meiyu". (Oh, my god. American English)

There is a example for "OMG Meiyu"

  Do you think "OMG Meiyu" can hlep the ELLs understanding American culture and improving their English? Compared with teaditional methed of teaching, is it possiable that "OMG Meiyu" will improve the ELL students' English language proficiency?


  1. This looks like such a great resource! It is interesting and educational. I think this vlog would be a great way to improve on conversational skills. Good find!

  2. I agree with Tiffany. OMG Meiyu, and other vlogs, is a fun and excellent way to build English language proficiency and understanding.

  3. This vlog is great. I love that she gives the idioms, uses different intonation, and then uses them in context. She also uses some of the hand gestures that are common to the idiom. I think this is not only a great resources for Chinese ELLs, but a good reminder to us when we teach that there is more to explaining an idiom than just explaining it.

  4. I think that this type of podcast can be really useful. Its natural and super high energy which is probably not at all what everyone is used to when it comes to language learning. Plus the learner can go at their own pace if they have access to a series. Another thing thats great about this specific vlog is that it uses very current expressions, which I think will make it easier for students to sound natural when they speak.

  5. I find these types of videos to be helpful for ELLs. After students have finished their required work in class we sometimes go to youtube to look up videos like this with idioms. It is always interesting and students like to find out where the idioms come from and whether or not their own language has a similar saying.

  6. I think this is really interesting and helpful for ELLs. Students can really enjoy this kind of video podcasting they also will have benefit of understanding English idioms and expressions that they may not find their meaning in dictionaries.

  7. I think is possible. These vblogs are very fun. I think she provides a good entertaining and learning experience of language and culture. I think she gives a lot of context for the phrases or ideas she teaches, which is great because students who are beginners can take a lot from it and also learn from the perspective of a English speaker. I will point out that I'm unfamiliar with words she teaches, but that is probably because I don't use many idioms.

  8. wow I like it even though I can understand just a little bit of it. Her idea is really entertaining and I really like how she translates the meaning of English idioms right away. Anyways, making videos is not an easy task starting from the camera choice and ending with the editing process. Thank you for sharing Vanessa

  9. I reckon your blog is interesting. I think English language learners are able to learn something more outside the class when they turn on the video clip. I have seen a lot of podcasting teaching American idioms, and this one is more comprehensible for English Language learners. Because besides teaching typical usage of specific idiom, Jessica also provides gestures, and primary language supports to English language learners, which gives ELLs authentic inputs and makes them motivated to produce meaningful outputs.

  10. Both of these videos was so much fun to watch. I think this type of teaching would be a great supplement to learning English, because it is not only educational, but because Jessica B genuniely seems to care about her audience. You can tell by her energy level and the thought she puts into her videos.I agree with Arm, I like how she uses common expressions and idioms that are used right now, so a students speech will sound natural. By what I saw in the first video, it seems like OMG Meiyu has reached a large audience and Chinese ELL students really seem to enjoy and learn from her videos, so I definietly think this is a unique learning tool that has many language learning possiblities.

  11. I love this video. Nice put, Vanessa. I think Baijie is an adorable teacher who makes the American idioms so vivid and comprehensible by incorporating students' native language and target language. She also concerns on the need of her audience because she likes creating new videos based on students' feedback and interests on particular content. It is really useful for students who want to improve their oral language proficiency in daily talk. According to the video, Jessica B has post her videos on the internet, so students can get to access to such extra learning resources anytime and anywhere. Higher accessibility and easy free-style talk definitely will elicit students’ consistent interests and learning motivations.

  12. I enjoyed watching these videos.I think this would be very helpful for ELL students. The students will enjoy watching them. I think podcasting is very helpful for ELL learners.

  13. Where did you encounter this set of videos? Are they popular in China? In other words, is she a bit of a mini celebrity?
